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Emergency Dentists In Dearborn & Southgate, MI

If you're experiencing a dental emergency — whether the result of a sudden accident or a chronic illness — it's vital that your teeth, gums, and/or the surrounding tissue in your mouth are seen by a dentist and treated immediately.

Just as with any medical emergency, being prepared beforehand is the best way to ensure you respond to the emergency appropriately. To best help our patients and community members prepare for dental emergencies, we’ve outlines many common types of dental emergencies, why they may occur, and how to best respond to them below:

Traumatic Dental Injuries

If and when you knock out a permanent adult tooth, fast action is needed to save the tooth and best protect the tooth socket from which it was removed. The faster you respond, the better the chances are that the tooth can be saved! The first thing to do in this situation is to pick up the tooth while leaving the root untouched, carefully clean the tooth with warm water, and place the tooth back into the socket facing the correct way. While making your way to your dentist’s office or the ER, hold the tooth in place with light pressure. If you can’t hold the tooth in place for whatever reason, place the tooth between your cheek and gum or carry the tooth in a container of cold milk.

When it comes to traumatic tooth injures that include not just teeth falling out entirely, but also when a tooth is moved or loosened, again, fast action is needed – treatment should be received for these types of injures in no more than 6 hours after the injury occurs. Past this point, the changes of a dentist being able to place the tooth back in the mouth with no damage occurring to the tooth’s socket decrease exponentially. If a severe tooth injury such as these results in a large amount of bleeding, rush to the ER as opposed to your dentist. If the bleeding is manageable, however, your dentist can treat the injury appropriately without the need for an ER visit. The good news is that the most common types of dental emergencies – chipped and cracked teeth – can often be en easy fix. If one or more of your teeth is chipped or cracked, start by locating all of the parts of the tooth that have chipped off, as it can be possible fro your dentist to reattach them. See your dentist as soon as you can, and be sure to bring the pieces of your teeth with you.

Tooth Pain

Temporary or chronic tooth pain is a sure-fire sign you should get in and see your dentist as soon as possible. Tooth decay is often behind most dental pain – this bacterial infection can make its way to other parts of the body and into your gum tissue. Tooth pain can indicate the need for one of several different dental treatments – it may signal the need for a root canal – a treatment that restores the health of the inside root material (or, pulp) of the tooth, and also saves the tooth from extraction. Tooth pain can also sometimes be caused by a filling that has become loose or tooth sensitivity. The best way to ensure that your dental emergency is properly diagnosed and treated is to book an appointment with your dentist and have them take a look!

Gum Emergencies

Accidents and injuries affecting the gums and soft tissue in the mouth are dental emergencies that require immediate treatment, and infections and other injuries in these areas can result in additional treatments (as well as discomfort) being required if left untreated. Common reasons for injuries occurring to the gums and soft tissues of the mouth can include sports injuries, slip and falls, accidentally biting your tongue or inner cheek, burning hot liquids, and small pieces of metal or other sharp objects being lodged in the gum-line. Incidents involving foreign particles becoming lodged in the gum line can result in uncomfortable abscesses and infection, making it of particular importance to have these types of injuries treated immediately. These abscesses (periodontal abscesses) are pus-filled sacs that are the result of infection, and are often discomforting. If you believe you’re suffering from a periodontal abscess, see our dental emergency experts at NYE Dental immediately.

It’s important to note how injuries to the gums and soft tissues of the mouth should be responded to at home to best protect you from these types of emergencies – any injuries to these areas of the mouth should first be rinsed with diluted salt water, and any visible objects or contaminants should be washed out of the mouth. If bleeding is occurring, place a clean, damp towel to the bleeding are for 10-15 minutes. If the bleeding persists, make your way to the emergency room. Objects in the gum line can often be removed with a toothpick or similar object, however, if you’re unable to remove the object in this fashion, then make your way to your dentist’s office so the object can be removed safely and without causing any damage.


Endodontics and Root Canals in Dearborn and Southgate, Michigan

Root canals have previously been a treatment that dental patients have come to dread, with most thinking of root canals as uncomfortable, even painful procedures. However, thanks to today’s innovations in dental technology and treatment protocols, root canals are now a standard treatment similar to getting a cavity filled.

Root canals are performed when the root of the tooth (this is referred to as the “pulp” of the tooth) becomes infected and required removal and replacement with a synthetic material. This removal and replacement helps to protect the rest of the tooth structure, avoiding the need for extraction. Our own Dr. Zaid and Dr. Dali have been performing root canal procedures for decades, and pride themselves on having attended hours of continuing educational courses on root canals and other endodontic treatments, and are accomplished in today’s top endodontic treatment protocols.

When Is A Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

As previously stated, root canal procedures may need to be performed with the “pulp” (or, root) of one or more of your teeth becomes infected, and must be removed to avoid the need for extraction. This infection will typically cause mild to moderate pain and discomfort.

While the thought of a root canal treatment may be disettling to many, leaving an infected tooth untreated will often results in the need for extraction later down the line. It’s always better to have a root canal performed than to leave the infected tooth untreated, which can result in even more pain as well as costly treatments. If you require a root canal, always be sure to have this treatment performed as to protect the rest of your tooth!

Get in touch with the team at NYE Dental today by calling (313) 351-1182 for Dearborn and (734) 346-7859 for Southgate to discuss any endodontic concerns you may have. 

Emergency Dentist Near Me – #1 Emergency Dentist in Southgate & Dearborn, MI – Top-Rated Family Dentist

Affordable Dental Care

At NYE Dental, we think everyone no matter their budget deserves to have great dental health and a beautiful smile. That’s why we work hard to be an affordable dentist in the area and give our patients different methods for covering their treatment costs.